Pinned“You are being creative” is not exactly a complimentHave you been praised being creative before? Last month, I quited my job as a copywriter. (the “creative” one’s) For many reasons, in…Sep 13, 2023Sep 13, 2023
Fear of UncertaintyFrom an early age, I pondered over the meaning of life. First, to myself, an internal monolouge of how I become the way I am. Second, what…Mar 13, 2022Mar 13, 2022
FBI人質談判專家的(5)個人際交涉技巧如果你的客人有一百塊,你能說服他信任你把一百塊交給你嗎?還是你覺得能取到八十塊已經不錯 。前FBI人質談判專家Chris Voss寫的《Never Split the…Nov 11, 2020Nov 11, 2020
能夠增值你人生的3個冷門PodcastPodcast文化日漸普及,在這段足不出戶的時間,我都被這種風氣感染了。Podcast不是適合任何人,如果你喜歡資訊性,又或者你喜歡反思人生,改善生活的話,我也很推薦你嘗試開始這個習慣,漸漸你會發現,Podcast是知識的寶庫。Sep 24, 2020Sep 24, 2020